See the GDD2022 spot

25 May 2022

See the GDD2022 spot

During this year's edition, we will talk about the sea as a source of resources and a resource in itself that we must care for together. About the importance of water reservoirs in the context of climate and economy, identity and the community of people from the sea and coastal settlements. 

What do the inhabitants of seaside towns have in common? Shared values ​​and relations with the sea? Or maybe the openness resulting from sea migration and contacts with the whole world?

And what is the Baltic Sea for you?


Performed by: Ada Zielińska, Patryk Hardziej, Blanka Byrwa, Gdynia Design Center team, Paweł Chudzicki, dog Figa.

Video: Przemek Mazur

Written and directed by Crane Agency

Production: Alicja Nowicka / Crane Agency

Production assistants: Michał Drygalski, Paweł Chudzicki