
Tomasz Piotr Świtalski

Tomasz Piotr Świtalski

Designer and educator in the field of graphic design and industrial design. In his professional practice, he combines knowledge of visual communication and the psycho-physiological functions of humans with research theories and methods that are ultimately implemented in the design process. His goal is to understand and effectively respond to human needs. Since 2012, he has been a scientific and didactic employee in the Department of Graphic Design at the Faculty of Graphics at the Academy of Art in Szczecin. Since 2015, he has been running the Rector's Gallery at the Academy of Art in Szczecin, which focuses on presenting the work of designers in the field of visual communication. In February 2023, he defended his doctoral thesis at the University of Arts in Poznań, which focused on designing for social needs in the context of graphic design, using the example of people with visual impairments. The thesis was done in close collaboration with the Polish Association of the Blind, West Pomeranian Branch.
