DtB speaker
Magda Kochanowska
Product and visual communication designer by education. Co-founder of DESIGN PROVISION. She specializes in planning and implementing design processes, especially in service design. Extensive experience and practical knowledge of various design tools and methods allow her to operate freely in the context of designing processes, products and services. She has carried out projects and training for ING Bank Śląski, Santander Bank Polska (formerly BZ WBK), Bank Millennium, Saint-Gobain Polska, Nowy Styl Group, the Capital City of Warsaw, Nationale-Nederlanden, ING Shared Services (IBSS), and many more. In 2005, she started working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where, in 2010, she was awarded a PhD, and in 2020 she completed her habilitation. She is the Vice-Dean for Education and the Dean’s Plenipotentiary for Science. She focuses on design methodologies, theory and criticism. In 2020, Magda became the Head of Service Design postgraduate course at SWPS University in Warsaw. In 2022, she joined the staff of postgraduate studies in Total Design Management offered by the Business School of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Institute of Industrial Design.