
Eliza Gawrjołek

Eliza Gawrjołek

Intermedia ex-artist and researcher. She deals with creative strategy, communication and multipotential process management in the space of design, sustainable fashion, art and social science. Graduated from the Faculty of Design and Interior Design and the Faculty of Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, also was studying new media and digital culture and ethnology and cultural anthropology. Eliza Gawrjołek heads the Fashion Revolution Poland Research Group, with which she carries out international grant projects on circular business models and consumer behavior. She is passionate about simplicity, sustainable hairdressing, travel and holistic theories. Her interdisciplinary projects and exhibitions have been repeatedly presented and awarded i.a in Lodz, Düsseldorf, Lublin, Szczecin, Gdansk and cities of the Visegrad countries. She devotes her research and reflections to the phenomena of language, context, design and engaged art, loss, change, innovation and exclusion.
