DtB workshop leading
Anna Dziadkiewicz
Doctor with a habilitation degree in economic sciences. Academic lecturer and owner of a consulting company. She graduated from postdoctoral studies in public relations in London. She also completed an internship in Said Business School at Oxford University. She specialises in service design, experience marketing and design management. She co-authored numerous strategies, i.a., Gdańsk – World Capital of Amber, analysis of stakeholders in the ArchaeoBalt – Towards Innovative Green & Blue Tourism project, and image strategies for healthcare entities. At Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza SA, she was responsible for communication in the SB WELL – Wellbeing Tourism in the South Baltic Region – Guidelines for good practices & Promotion project and in CIRTOINNO: Circular economy tools to support innovation in green and blue tourism SMEs project. She authored a book, "Design Management. Conditions and Effects of Implementation in the Enterprise". She is the President of the Polish branch of the International Engineering and Technology Institute with its headquarters in Hong Kong. She is one of the co-founders of the Wellbeing International Association with its seat in Sweden.