
Agata Kiedrowicz

Agata Kiedrowicz

Curator and design critic, educator and lecturer. She believes that good taste means a sensitive and attentive attitude towards people and reality. Designer of content, situations and experiences. She works interdisciplinary, connecting culture, art and business. She is particularly interested in design for the senses and design as a tool for exploring and criticizing reality. She lectures at the Academy of Art in Szczeci, SWPS School of Form and Collegium da Vinci. Speaker at prestigious conferences (including "TEDx" Senses "), curate exhibitions, including "Polish Design Island","It feels! Design for the senses”, “Follow the object ”which was presented in Poland and abroad. She collaborates with designers, artists, and art institutions. Author of publications on design, fashion and art in various magazines, including Design Alive, KUKBUK, FUTU, USTA, Monitor Magazine, Newsweek Slow, Notes at 6. Tygodni Bęc Zmiana. She creates trend forecasts and strategy for brands related to art, fashion and design.