Outskirts. The gray zone of urban planning


Outskirts. The gray zone of urban planning

opening hours

1-9th of July, 14:00-20:00


Traffic Design
ul. Stefana Żeromskiego 36


free of charge



The gray zone of urban planning is all informal, dangerous,
forbidden, not obvious, ambiguous, unwanted, unfinished,
unattractive, unprofitable, impractical, unsustainable,
irrational, unprofessional, unpromising and disliked processes and
phenomena that make up urban space – in various contexts, like urban planning,
architectural and cultural.

This includes things like allotment gardens, graffiti,
skateboarding, vacant buildings, abandoned and temporary spots, places
of informal meetings, spaces and things from the previous era, e.g. bars
or unprofitable services, things made by hand, urban wildlife.

These are authentic, grassroots, analogue, local, homely and honest things,
which create informal places, spectacular for the atmosphere of the city.

Outskirts are sketches, drawings, things and ideas more or less related
to this theme.


Traffic Design is the organizer of the exhibition.


Filip Kozarski

Filip Kozarski

Architect, associated with the Layup gallery. He runs a private design practice named I Prefer Analog. It deals with public spaces, architectural, interior and graphic design – especially the interdisciplinary projects in between these areas. He collaborates with cultural and art institutions designing temporary installations and tactics on the verge of urbanism and culture, exploring the in...

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