


opening hours

1-9th of July, 10:00-20:00


Gdyńskie Centrum Filmowe
Plac Grunwaldzki 2


free of charge


We show how to resist mechanisms triggering in us a sense that what we have is not enough.

We’re living in the era of overabundance. For years we have been told that buying new stuff or benefiting from a service offer will make us feel happier. That’s true, shopping can boost serotonin, a happiness hormone, but not for long. Ubiquitous advertising is a big manipulative force that influences our emotions and makes us feel that what we already have is not enough. And not only that. We are also compelled to buy too much because of “planned obsolescence”, a strategy of deliberate product designing and manufacturing to ensure its limited lifespan, break down and uselessness within a known time period.

All this is associated with the concept of continuous GDP growth, one of the basic assumptions of the system in which we operate. It has become established that development must involve the continuous production, consumption and creation of ever new services. This, however, contributes to environmental degradation and the overexploitation of resources, which are not, after all, unlimited.

The exhibition “Enough” shows how to oppose these mechanisms. It will feature tried-and-tested products whose simplicity of design and top quality of materials make them versatile, durable and thus – timeless. The exhibition will also present some clever initiatives of how to repair things and improve existing architecture. And last but not least, there will be few tips on second-hand shopping and closed circuit selling. Let us make life simpler, the world around us is already complicated enough.


Visual design of the exhibition: Sara Makuch


Agata Nowak

Agata Nowak

Designer, curator and lecturer. She received a Bachelor’s degree in product and furniture design from De Montfort University in Leicester, UK, and a Master’s from the University of Arts in Poznań, Poland. She gained her professional experience working for Studio Rygalik, Studio Ganszyniec and on research projects for Touch Ideas. She has owned and operated her own design studio “...

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