


opening hours

1-9th of July, 10:00-20:00


PPNT Gdynia
Gdynia, al. Zwycięstwa 96/98
Building III


free of charge

PPNT Budynek 3


As an artificial intelligence, I do not have opinions or personal beliefs, but I can speculate on the possible meaning of the term "edu(re)creation". It is possible that "edu(re)creation" is a concept that refers to the combination of education and recreation as a whole. It may denote an approach to learning that combines elements of traditional education with recreational or creative activities, with the aim of creating more diverse and interesting educational experiences.

The exhibition proposes an approach to stability as a process in which we all participate as multisensory individuals, communities, and society. By shifting the focus from education solely understood through the lens of knowledge to a process that also encompasses multisensory understanding, the authors of the exhibition attempt to chart paths/futures of education that go beyond obvious patterns and narratives.

The first part of the exhibition invites reflection on the role of technology in the learning process, particularly in relation to the concept of time and the opportunities it presents for multisensory experiences. The key point of the exhibition is the balance bean, which serves as an open invitation to experiment with movement and redefine stability through collective action. The future has the opportunity to materialize in the section of the exhibition dedicated to the education of tomorrow, where presented stories and letters written from a future perspective invite participants to unleash their imagination and attempt to contribute their own part.

As part of the exhibition, a report on Future Skills Competencies was also presented, which was created in the VR for Future Skills project in collaboration with the BigBang Foundation.



Zuzanna Gawron

Zuzanna Gawron

Designer, graphic artist, illustrator, and innovator. She works in various design and creative areas, with a particular focus on aspects related to changing society and new technologies. She has participated in many international research projects and collaborates with NGOs and private clients. She also operates in the field of sustainable development and ecology, implementing the knowledge gained...

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Edyta Sadowska

Edyta Sadowska

Doctor of social science, futurologist, academic lecturer, and innovator. In her scientific and popularization work, she focuses on the future as a tool for shaping the present, redefinitions that allow for a proper description of the reality around us, and interdisciplinarity that conditions dialogue. Connecting the dots, expanding horizons, and full-spectrum thinking are the foundation of her un...

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