BIO-CREATION. Closing the cycle. Economically, we no longer need to grow
opening hours
Gdynia, al. Zwycięstwa 96/98
Building III
Creation is recognized as an act of making, a creative experience leading to the creation of a work of art or a utility project. The work of art and the product are subject to the dynamics of conscious creative operations, but also to processes dependent and independent of its creator. Finally, ,,Bio-Creation‘‘ is the idea of co-creation of the "New Wonderful World".
Realistically and universally, the development of the world is the development of the market. It is conditioned by the so-called TFP (1). From the raport of BŚ (2) and KRD (3), the Polish economy has not been productive enough in recent years. In a situation of totally growing consumption, bridging capital, interactions among people, joint involvement in the way of thinking about the world, spontaneous self-organization, ideas on how to use the available wealth, how to make choices to create it, are to be the salvation.
For the market, non-economic, socio-cultural or geographic and natural factors, the attitude of an intelligent and creative, productive market participant in the global, and above all national and local context, became important. Sociocreation is one of the paths of the new economy, which may be a means of combating the social stratification and economic inequality that has been going on in Poland since 1990. What type of creation leads to a new world order, economic integration and integration both globally and locally?
Authors: Edyta Barańska, Magdalena Berlińska & TEAM [Joanna Karaś, Magdalena Pigońska, Agnieszka Stefańczyk, Magda Kaszowska, Laura Kleinowska, Maria Kostrzak, Wiktoria Kasprzak, Julia Kulesza, Julia Pękała, Julia Miecznikowska, Martin Marchewicz, Kinga Bukowska, Natalia Potocka, Oliwia Saltarska, Zuzanna Michałowska], Tomasz Gęstwicki, Przemysław Hajek & dżdżownice, Karolina Hałatek, Edyta Hul, Bartek Jarmoliński, Małgorzata Kalińska, Agnieszka Leszczyńska- Mieczkowska, Marta Madej, Beata Nikolajczyk-Miniak, Grzegorz Siembida, Magdalena Starska, Magdalena Stecka, Marek Straszak, SZARE WRONY [Ania Witkowska & Alicja Karska], Ania Witkowska, Weronika Wojnarowicz
Visual design of the exhibition: Małgorzata Walaszczyk and Przemysław Tomaszewski
Organizers: Academic Design Center in Łódź, The Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź
Partners: Academy of Art in Szczecin, Magdalena Abakanowicz Univeristy of the Arts Poznan, Sopot Academy of Applied Sciences
1 TFP = total factor productivity. These are difficult factors to measure: technological progress, innovation, human capital, the emergence of a new knowledge. For this reason economy is stable. In:: https://biznes.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/8528176,recesja-gospodarka-konsumpcja-sposoby-na-kryzys.html
2 Word Bank „Paths of Productivity Growth in Poland: A Firm Level Perspective”
3 The National Debt Register shows that in 2021 overdue loan installments and unpaid utility or internet bills were over 45 billion PLN, and only during the first quarter of this year this amount increased by another PLN 800 million, in: https://biznes.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/8528176,recesja-gospodarka-konsumpcja-sposoby-na-kryzys.html
4 these are: geographical location, place of residence, climate, environmental conditions, degree of pollution